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Revision Tips For Matric Exams

With your finals looming on the horizon, you should probably be thinking about revising your work. But it can be difficult, so here are some revision tips for all you Matrics out there. Everyone is different, and that means that there’s no magical study method or revision method that works

3 tips on dealing with matric stress

St Peter’s College education psychologist Laila Jeebodh-Desai has given candidates some tips on dealing with matric stress.  Try these three steps to create a positive and powerful response to your exam anxiety: Stage 1: AcceptanceTry not to fight the fact that exams are around the corner, and will be a

Matric Study Tips

The upside is that in being tested this way, you have the opportunity to discover new and deeper aspects of your strength and resilience. You can think of the experience as being on a ‘Hero’s Journey’ where you want to be facing challenges with all your wits about you, so

Tips for Teachers

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Tips for Supporting Our 2023 Matrics!

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Tips for Learners for Active Viewing

WOZA Matrics 2020 Catchup Video